
[每日一Tag] MRirian

MRirian (Magibon) is a short, huge-chinned, twenty-something wapanese camwhore that according to TOW became a YouTube celebrity.

It all began back in July '06 when Magiboo first started posting several videos- which consisted mainly of her flirting with the webcam, looking like a fan-trapped loli, and trying to be wapanese. All of this is, of course, without the muchexpected speech.

How have such antics granted her fame, you ask? Well, it is always carried out while showing off some decent cleavage, and speaking exclusively in Pre-school Japanese, As a result, this translated into sheer cock-baiting brainwash-ment for the thousands of fans. And in case you are still wondering, the Toddler-Japanese she so skillfully speaks is that of a butchered as only a basement-dwelling Wap could do variety- meaning all those "OMG how did u learn Japanese?!!" posters are sadder and more full of fail than even they themselves know.

What's more, Her YouTube profile also tricks the average YouTuber into believing she is Japanese. However, this YouTube trickery is nothing more than a clever ploy to lure in and sell herself as something more.

Sadly, the truth about this hick- if you didn't already know- is that she's merely the failed daughter of a typical brokenwhite trash redneck family. Who unsurprisingly, still lives with her parents in her parents' house in Pennsylvania. Before going full-time YouWhore, she used to earn a living as a minimum wage cashier at the Sayre branch of CVS Pharmacy. During that time and even now she refuses to go to college, and frequently fights with her parents (particularly her step dad).

Oh, and she has really bad teeth.

Holy Magiboners!Magibon's one and apparently only look.



1986年(現年23歲)的Magi,出生於美國賓州,本名叫Maggie / Margaret Lilian Adams,別名甚多,例如Magi、Magibonchan, Magibon, MRirian等。2006年夏天第一次貼短片上Youtube,第五次時用日語自我介紹,結果被日本某名人於他的BLOG揭露,就此一炮而紅,然後 2008年四月到日本參加Playboy、GyaO的採訪,慢慢接觸演藝圈。 

這位Magi小姐為何能吸引住這麼多男人的眼光?對女人而言,嗯,光看短片會覺得這個女孩是個傻妞,你可以注意她剛開始貼於YouTube的短片都是差不 多的內容:看鏡頭 張大眼睛(真的很大很大)、抿嘴成小V型然,後裝可愛傻笑 繼續傻笑 還是傻笑(都不說話喔) 對鏡頭比V,揮揮手拜拜 出現「多謝」 的日文字以及繪文字 結束。要一直到很後期她才開始「活潑」起來,甚至還會搞怪一下。不過看她接受媒體的採訪,卻又覺得她是個害羞可愛的小女孩, 



